The Girl From Roswell

The Girl From Roswell

It would be unwise for anyone to say with any kind of finality that they know for a fact how the footage was produced, or even what the subject is. Those that call this film a hoax for fear of the damage it may bring to UFOLOGY, seem to be less concerned with what their own poorly founded statements might conjure. Examples;

Alien may be germ warefare victim (Phillip Mantle BUFORA)

FACT: Alien has no belly button, a common feature to all human beings.

Alien may be Nuke Testing victim.

See above.

Alien has no connective tissue between organs, no membrane protecting the brain.

FACT: In the unedited footage the indication of membranes being cut through and connective tissue being snipped away is obvious.

There were only two examiners.

FACT: There are in fact three examiners in funny suits and one guy behind the glass. If your really observant you'll notice one of the examiners seems to only be assisting and has quite a pair of obvious female breasts when her funny suit is restricted to her form. Look for all three examiners on the screen at the same time towards the end of the un-edited footage.

Alien doesn't match descriptions of aliens from witnesses.

SAD FACT: We have no reason to believe or disbelieve eyewitness testimony, but in reality all we have is peoples words. A picture is the best description.

If this is a true document, why does everybody hide their face anyways?

FACT: Let's suppose footage got leaked and the public had a face to associate with, well.... wouldn't they be obligated to tell the truth about what they were doing with the cute little girl and the men in funny suits?

It would be nice to find something solid to prove or disprove this footage, but the fact is, it is not on the film. Sure it could be faked, by makeup artists, and sure make-up artists could tell you how to do it. That does not mean it is fake. People die everyday, and their deaths could probably be easily faked, or reproduced with special effects. Does this mean they were?

I would appreciate any challenges to be added to this page. If you have picked up something that 'gives it away' put me to the test! Email it to

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